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A Proven Process for Inclusive Excellence
December 2023
To feel empathy, you need to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. If the experiences of racism in a white supremacist system seem too far away from your daily reality, I’m Tired of Racism will change that. If you think of racism as something that only happens where you are, I’m Tired of Racism will change that, too. And if you’re wondering how you can be a true ally and avoid performative nonsense, this book is an excellent starting point.
I'm Tired of Racism collects many of Sharon Hurley Hall's anti-racism essays, sharing her global perspective on racism, anti-racism, anti-Blackness, and white supremacy, born out of experiences in the Caribbean, the UK, the US and elsewhere. Hurley Hall has lived and worked in multiple countries, enabling her to accurately reflect what’s the same and what’s different about experiences of racism in different locations.
The foreword, by Ashanti Maya Martin, says: "Because Sharon's experience is rooted in the U.S., the Caribbean, and Europe, she's able to tell us how the U.S. looks from the outside in (not great at the moment), and explain how even being a citizen of a Black-majority country comes with its own layered burdens rooted in colonialism and white supremacy."
Buy this book today to learn more about racism and to start your allyship journey.
November 2023
Taking a more scientific approach than many other inclusion books, The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety breaks the act of building empowering environments into four phases. Once employees feel included at work, they will gradually feel safe to learn and make mistakes, speak their minds, and eventually, push back against authority in ways that lead to organizational innovation and growth. Timothy Clark outlines the actions leaders can take to nurture these conditions and achieve psychological safety for all employees.
Notable Quote: “We thrive in environments that respect us and allow us to (1) feel included, (2) feel safe to learn, (3) feel safe to contribute, and (4) feel safe to challenge the status quo. If we can’t do these things, if it’s emotionally expensive, fear shuts us down.”
October 2023
Blindspot is one of the bestselling diversity books in recent years. Psychologists Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald explore the subject of unconscious biases, examining how experiences and ideas subtly shape ways of thinking. Relying on scientific methods such as the Implicit Association Test, the authors show how to spot and confront preconceptions.
The book frames bias as a human characteristic rather than an individual character flaw, making it easier for readers to accept the truth of their own prejudice. Blindspot argues that not only “bad people,” hold secret biases. Rather, every person must analyze their assumptions, stop hiding behind good intentions, and aim to be more open and supportive of those unlike themselves.
Notable Quote: “Blindspots hide both discriminations and privileges, so neither the discriminators nor the targets of discrimination, neither those who do the privileging nor the privileged, are aware. No small wonder that any attempt to consciously level the playing field meets with such resistance.”
September 2023
The Leader’s Guide to Unconscious Bias is one of the best diversity books for managers. Since managers have such great influence over hiring decisions and working environments, it is especially important for them to understand potential prejudices.
By exploring the neuroscience behind bias and championing a more mindful approach, the book teaches leaders how to recognize and overcome internal influences. The book also includes exercises and reflection spaces so readers can practice best practices.
The Leader’s Guide to Unconscious Bias is a useful tool for team managers. By challenging subtle preconceived notions, leaders can improve company culture, cultivate connections among colleagues, form more dynamic diverse teams, and empower underrepresented employees to excel.
Notable Quote: “One of the reasons our minds work against self-awareness is because it’s hard to admit that we have areas where we could improve. But when we practice self-awareness, we are constantly becoming more knowledgeable about ourselves. When we build self-awareness, we stop acting automatically and start making better decisions.”
August 2023
Race, religion, and politics are sensitive subjects. Many folks steer clear of these topics at work altogether rather than risk offending or upsetting colleagues. However, ignoring the issues is not always the answer. We Can’t Talk about That at Work! makes the case for talking about these subjects with tact rather than skirting the subject. Mary-Frances Winters argues that it is not what we talk about, but how we talk about it that matters. We Can’t Talk about That at Work! is a guide for starting productive, inclusive conversations that respect differences, find common ground, and take the first steps towards healing invisible divides in the work world.
Notable Quote: “Do you experience a sense of fear when engaging in bold conversations? If so, ask yourself, “What am I afraid of?” These questions are relevant whether you are a member of a dominant or non-dominant group.”
July 2023
Inclusion: Diversity, The New Workplace & The Will To Change acknowledges that change is hard, but necessary. The global landscape is ever-shifting, and inclusive workplaces are the way of the future. The momentum towards more diverse companies will not slow or reverse, and tomorrow’s most successful organizations embrace this fact. Change is never easy though.
This book envisions a future where all employees feel welcomed, appreciated, and acknowledged, but only after the workforce overcomes current discomforts and roadblocks. This book presents strategies to help workers and executives appreciate the need for increased diversity and inclusion, both for the sake of underrepresented employees and the business’s bottom line.
Notable Quote: “The best first step toward designing a successful inclusion strategy for a diverse workplace is to listen to what your employees are saying. It seems obvious, but true listening is in short supply in our frenetic, hierarchical world.”
June 2023
How to Be an Inclusive Leader is one of the best-selling diversity in leadership books. Jennifer Brown lays out the manager responsibilities for creating cultures where every employee feels welcomed and empowered. The book offers a comprehensive step-by-step guide to acknowledging privilege and preconceptions, advocating for employees, and amplifying lesser heard voices.
Notable Quote: “Inclusive leaders at the Advocate level consider diversity at all levels, in every gathering or format, and are especially aware of the sometimes-outsized impact of a single action, delivered in their particular voice.”
May 2023
A sense of belonging is both a universal human need and a major motivator. Employees perform to their full potential when they feel accepted and celebrated for their authentic selves. Belonging At Work is a guide to creating inclusive workplaces. The book suggests simple actions leaders can take to make employees feel comfortable and capable on the job.
Notable Quote: “Cultivating a sense of belonging doesn’t stop with our employees. Serving our markets, or our clients and customers, and responding to their needs in a respectful and intentional manner assures an organization’s long-term relevancy, helping them thrive into the future.”
Institute for Diversity Certification (IDC)®
7230 Arbuckle Commons - Suite 134
Brownsburg, IN 46112
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